St Thomas the Apostle Parish Church

Report a concern.

Call 999 if a child or adult is in immediate danger of significant or serious harm.

If you have concerns about a child, young person or adult who may have been harmed or be at risk of harm, or need to discuss a case in the Coventry Diocese please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers for advice and support:
Phone: 024 7652 1345

Safeguarding Annual Report and the current plan.

Presented & Approved at St Thomas, Longford AGM - 26 May 2024
Topic: Safeguarding Vulnerable Members During Winter Months
This report outlines the measures planned to ensure the continued safety and well-being of our vulnerable members during the colder months when the church building has not been and may not be adequately heated due to its Grade 2 listed status.
Our Grade 2 listed church building presents a unique challenge in maintaining comfortable temperatures during winter. While efforts are ongoing to explore long-term heating solutions that comply with listing and Church of England regulations, the immediate priority has been ensuring the safety of our vulnerable members.  Additionally, there has been great focus on getting all PCC members adequately safeguard trained through the Diocese of Coventry.
Safeguarding Action Plan:
• Relocation of Activities: During periods of extreme cold, church activities for all congregation inclusive of its vulnerable members (primarily those over 60 or with specific health concerns) will be relocated to a suitable alternative venue in order to prevent cancellation of a Sunday service or church activities.
• Identifying Alternative Venue(s): We have utilised our parish hall during the winter and colder months, that is a well-heated public space and can accommodate our congregation size and needs. This has also allowed better accessibility for everyone especially to those with limited mobility to have access to the toilets.
• Communication Strategy: A clear communication plan will be implemented to inform all members of the temporary relocation and the alternative venue(s). This will include announcements during church services, notices on the church door/website/social media, and direct contact with vulnerable members.
• Transportation Assistance: Transportation assistance will be explored for members who may have difficulty reaching the alternative venue independently. Options such as volunteer drivers or subsidized taxi services will be considered.
• Duration of Relocation: The duration of the relocation will depend on weather conditions and the success of securing a suitable alternative venue. We will be committed to returning to church services as soon as it is safe and comfortable to do so.  In this last year we remained in the parish hall under Easter Sunday.
• Safeguard Training PCC:  All members have willingly taken part in the Basic Awareness training provided by the Diocese of Coventry.  However, the Designated Safeguarding Lead has taken Foundation and Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse.  The current Priest in Charge has taken Foundation, is currently enrolled in Leadership, and has requested to take the Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse safeguarding training courses.
Safeguarding Principles:
This plan prioritizes the well-being of our most vulnerable members. We remain committed to:
• Maintaining a safe and warm environment for all.
• Open communication with all members.
• Exploring long-term heating solutions for the church building.
• Ensuring all PCC members, DSL and Priest have the relevant safeguard training.

Safeguarding Plan – St Thomas, Longford
1. Introduction
This Safeguarding Plan outlines St Thomas, Longford's commitment to protecting all children, youth, adults, older adults, and all vulnerable people at risk, with a specific focus on our congregation of individuals primarily over the age of 60. We are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment where everyone feels respected and valued.
2. Policy and Principles
• We uphold the Church of England's safeguarding policies and practices as outlined in "Protecting All God's Children".  Policy and practice guidance | The Church of England
• We believe all children, youth, adults, older adults, and all vulnerable people at risk have the right to live free from abuse or neglect.
• We will work to prevent abuse from happening and act swiftly to address any concerns.
• We will treat all allegations and concerns seriously and confidentially.
3. Risk Assessment
• Our congregation consists primarily of older adults, a few children, all who are vulnerable people who may be more at risk to certain types of abuse, such as financial abuse, physical abuse by caregivers, and emotional abuse.
• We also recognize that some members may be susceptible due to isolation, loneliness, or mental health conditions.
4. Safeguarding Procedures
• Recruitment and Selection: DBS checks will be conducted for anyone working with vulnerable children, youth, adults, older adults, and all vulnerable people, following Church of England guidelines.
• Training: All staff and volunteers will receive safeguarding training to identify abuse, understand reporting procedures, and create a safe environment.
• Supervision: Staff and volunteers will not be left alone with vulnerable children, youth, adults, older adults, and all vulnerable people in isolated situations. Open door policies will be encouraged during meetings and activities.
• Responding to Concerns: A clear reporting process will be established. A designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) will be appointed to receive concerns and take necessary action. Contact details for the DSO and relevant external agencies will be clearly displayed.
• Allegations Management: Procedures will be in place for handling allegations of abuse, following Church of England guidelines.
5. Open Communication and Reporting
• We encourage open communication and a culture where individuals feel comfortable raising concerns without fear of reprisal.
• Contact details for the DSO and relevant external agencies, such as Adult Social Care and the Police, will be prominently displayed in church literature and on the church website (if applicable).
6. Record Keeping
• Clear and accurate records of safeguarding concerns, investigations, and outcomes will be maintained, following data protection regulations.
7. Review
• This Safeguarding Plan will be reviewed annually or as needed to ensure its effectiveness.
• The Church of England’s Safeguarding E-manual can be found at the following address for further guidance:
• Feedback from staff, volunteers, and the congregation will be considered during the review process.
Additional Notes for a Grade 2 Listed Church Building
• A risk assessment specific to the Grade 2 listed building will be undertaken to ensure the safety of vulnerable children, youth, adults, older adults, and all vunerable people within the building. This may include measures to assist with mobility or ensuring proper lighting in all areas.